ELTE’s Faculty of Film Studies has joined forces with the Budapest Film Academy (BFA) in the creation of a diverse practical filmmaking curriculum. ELTE provides ECTS credits for the BFA courses. This cooperation enables not only ELTE students to attend BFA courses, but students from other Universities as well, who may transfer the credits gained here if their studies are similar.
The transfer of credits is possible thanks to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This new system was introduced to the members of the European Union, with the aim of improving transferability between different studies and institutions within the EU.
This system makes BFA courses available to the following groups of students:
→ Students enrolled in ELTE programs
→ Guest students from other institutions who wish to receive some ELTE / BFA training
→ Students not enrolled in any institution, with high-school diplomas and/or BA/BS degrees
ELTE students who currently study at programs and majors related to Film Studies (BA Liberal Arts – Film Major, BA Liberal Arts – BA Film Minor, MA Film Studies) may enroll in our courses as part of their core studies, as long as their major optional credit limit allows it. All other ELTE students can enroll while they have optional credits available. In all cases, students must pay an equipment fee.
Students enrolled in other Hungarian or foreign Universities can attend our single- or multiple-semester long programs, or can apply to join individual courses. After successful completion, they can transfer their credits into their original studies. According to ECTS regulations, the original (sending) institution is obliged to accept the course as long as it is possible in its own training to attend a similar course, when its curriculum covers at least 75% of the BFA courses. (This decision is up to the sending institution’s Credit Transfer Committee.)
For those who are not currently enrolled in any University, the minimum requirement for application is high-school graduation or an equivalent foreign degree. The application is followed by our entrance examination procedure, during which we will determine whether the student is qualified to attend our courses.
During their studies, these students do not establish a legal relationship with ELTE. They pay their tuition fees to the BFA, for which they receive certification from the BFA after the completion of the courses. If they enroll in any Hungarian or foreign University, and want to transfer their credits given for BFA courses, ELTE will issue a credit certification upon their request. Students must ask for the ECTS credits from the Academy when they apply or once they start the course (the latest).
Students may apply for non-credit courses, which are essentially the same as those that award credits. The only difference is that after completion of these courses, no ELTE ECTS credits are issued. Instead, students leave with a BFA certificate. This form of education is cheaper, due to reduced administration costs. If students taking non-credit courses need credit for them at a later date, they can get their ELTE credit certificate after paying the extra administration fee. The Budapest Film Academy always accepts non-credit courses and allows students who have completed those courses to progress to the next level of their chosen module.
Múzeum krt. 6-8., 1088 Budapest, Hungary
+36 1 408 6109